E Converso

E Converso

Sunday 27/03/2016 from 21:00

E Converso is an original band based in Czech Republic . Even thought the members are living each in different country(Czech,Norway,Switzerland and Denmark), they are touring regulary. Their first CD Konspirační Melodie (2014- Hevhetia Records) had a really nice reviews and was putted on the list of 5 best jazz albums in Czech Republic by critic and organizers. In their music they mixes references from New York avant-garde jazz, european contemporary music and free improvisation but also a lot of other inspiration from rock, pop and groove music.They have played at the different festivals and venues( Jazz Fest Brno, Žižkov Meets Jazz, Hevhetia Fest(SK), Paris Jazz Club(FR), United Islands...)  (sax,bcl,g,b,dr)

Zde rozhovor: http://www.rozhlas.cz/jazz/rozhovor/_zprava/1564382


Admission CZK 150, jun/sen CZK 110.

Band website: www.facebook.com

modern jazz - free music
On-line ticket