Jazz Q ft. Oskar Petr

Jazz Q ft. Oskar Petr

Tuesday 13/02/2018 from 22:00

Jazz Q is jazz-rock band connected mainly through its founder, keys player Martin Kratochvíl. The band became well known in 70s when Kratochvíl, thanks to his studies in Britain and the influence of his British musical gurus, directed the band into progressive electronica and jazz rock. This music, at once tautly composed and improvised with solid rhythmic structure, became the ground-breaking enterprise and a symbol of the musical avantgarde of 70s (keys; g; voc; b; dr).

Admission seating CZK 200, standing CZK 150.

10 % discount for both concerts.

Band website: www.martinkratochvil.com

jazzrock - fusion
On-line ticket
The year-round operation of the club is supported by a grant from the City of Prague.