Martin Brunner Trio & Epoque Quartet

Martin Brunner Trio & Epoque Quartet

Tuesday 10/01/2017 from 19:00

Special project which links jazz trio of eminent contemporary pianist Martin Brunner and string Epoque Quartet. Quartet will play Martin’s compositions named "Morning Walks". He composed them especially for this opportunity with first appearance in October 2012 at our club. "Morning Walks" CD was released in 2013 by Animal Music label (p,b,dr,v,v,vla,vlc).

Martin Brunner - p, Rastislav Uhrík - b, Tomáš Hobzek - dr, David Pokorný - vln, Vladimír Klánský - vln, Vladimír Kroupa - vla, Vít Petrášek - vlc.

Admission seating CZK 250, standing CZK 180.

Band website:

On-line ticket
The year-round operation of the club is supported by a grant from the City of Prague.