Martina Bárta & Her special guests – Let the good times roll! "30"

Martina Bárta & Her special guests – Let the good times roll! "30"

Friday 07/09/2018 from 21:00

We're delighted to announce a special birthday concert of the Czech singer Martina Bárta with many interesting domestic and international music guests, such as David "Fingers" Haynes (USA, drummer of the Till Brönner band), Petr Kutheil (Czech rock singer), Felix Slováček (Czech clarinet player, big band leader) & Felix Slováček jr. (Czech musician, singer & actor), Ondřej Ruml (Czech pop singer, X-factor), Antonin Gondolán (Czech music legend, bass player), Epoque Quartet (a unique string quartet), Project Wings (Jan Bursa, Václav Muška, Pavel Strouhal and tap dancers), Václav Tobrman (popular Czech pianist and comedian), Anne-Marlene Bicking (German singer-songwriter). Martina Bárta is a Czech young and gifted singer. In 2016, she graduated from the prestigious Jazz Institut Berlin of the university of performing arts in Germany. She studied jazz vocal under the leadership of professors Judy Niemack and David Friedman. Martina performs regularly with the jazz trio of her older sister Kristina Barta, a successful jazz pianist and composer. She's been for 7 years a soloist of the radio big band of Felix Slováček. In May 2017, Martina represented the Czech Republic at the Eurovision song contest in Kyiv with the song "My turn". Don’t miss this special event. There will be an open jam session after concert. Everyone’s invited to join in!

Martina Bárta – voc; Kristina Barta – p; Jan Fečo – b; David Haynes – dr; Miroslav Hloucal – trp.

Admission seating CZK 370, standing CZK 250. Seats reservation is possible only if you buy a ticket. Thank you for understanding. 

Band website:

vocal jazz
On-line ticket