Mladí ladí jazz 2024: Negro Impacto + Uly

Mladí ladí jazz 2024
Negro Impacto + Uly

Friday 25/10/2024 from 20:00

Negro Impacto

As part of its autumn concert series, the Mladí ladí jazz festival brings to Prague an Irish duo that combines neo-soul, r'n'b, rock and funk in a novel way and is often compared to WILLOW, The Internet or Erykah Badu. However, the authenticity of Negro Impacto, which consists of singer Chi Chi and producer Laurence, is certainly not missing, as evidenced by their participation in the Electric Picnic and Forbidden Fruit festivals.



Uly is an astrophysicist and multi-instrumentalist from Dublin who started out in the hardcore scene. But he gradually left this scene behind and took the trumpet in his hands. His work is influenced by pop, soul, jazz, is DIY and has a nostalgic sound. Uly's songwriting is very personal and largely revolves around identity and self-perception.

Whole evening admission: under 26 - CZK 300, older than 26 - CZK 400. Seating one price: CZK 500. There is no need to reserve a seat when purchasing a seating ticket.

Band website:

neo-soul & R’n’B
On-line ticket
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