Come join us in opening our roof-top terrace in the retro style of the First Republic na May Day! Authentic period music, special drinks and food,... ...
Detail >>When Kresten Osgood and his quintet take the stage, it's not just a concert - it's a journey into the open landscape of music. Drummer, composer... ...
Detail >>The great Czech organist Jakub Zomer introduces his band in the following words: “Blues Bond is my blues - funk - jazz quartet. I started the band... ...
Detail >>The Jaroslav Šindler Quartet features four experienced soloists: Jaroslav Šindler (guitar), Jan Štolba (tenor sax), Vít Švec (double bass) and... ...
Detail >>Klan Del Caribe, a whirlwind of South American rhythms that won't let you sit still for a second. That's how one could describe in a nutshell this new... ...
Detail >>Pavel Švestka is the singer and violinist from the well-known band The Swings. His own musical project, Swing Q, supported by drummer Milos Kejř,... ...
Detail >>Slovak singer Lucia Bakaiová shares joy and energy through her voice. Her musical journey began in Slovak folk traditions, gradually leading her to... ...
Detail >>Laco Deczi is the legendary American trumpeter of Slovakian origin who has influenced many jazz followers at home and abroad. The band will play their... ...
Detail >>Laco Deczi is the legendary American trumpeter of Slovakian origin who has influenced many jazz followers at home and abroad. The band will play their... ...
Detail >>Laco Deczi is the legendary American trumpeter of Slovakian origin who has influenced many jazz followers at home and abroad. The band will play their... ...
Detail >>Oscar Jerome has been honing his craft as a musician and writer since a young age. He has worked as vocalist, guitarist and producer with countless... ...
Detail >>We’re bringing you a special series of open air summer concerts on the roof of the Jazz Dock! Every Saturday at 3 p.m. One of the best Czech... ...
Detail >>Eyal Lovett is an Israeli pianist, awarded Artist of the Year (Jazzy Berlin, 2017) and an absolute winner of Jazz Wings Warszawa (2018). Eyal's music... ...
Detail >>Admission for sitting 400 CZK, for standing 250 CZK. It is no longer necessary to reserve a seat when purchasing a seated ticket. DANCE TO JAZZ AT... ...
Detail >>J. J. Jazzmen, formed in 1993 under the leadership of Jan Jirucha, who lent his name to the band, performing the program “Remembrance of Louis... ...
Detail >>The band was formed by drummer and composer Tomáš Hobzek just after finishing his studies at the Jaroslav Ježek Conservatory in Prague. The music... ...
Detail >>The Prague Jazz Collective is a new project founded by trumpeter Miroslav Hloucal and his teammates from other bands. This prominent Czech trumpeter... ...
Detail >>